Solomon E Returns and Reviews Bride of Frankenstein!

Ever vigilant was I, always seeking to escape that cursed ice planet upon which my one-man prison stood. Virtually barren and nearly empty of life is that frigid globe outside the Ghost Head Nebula. Furthermore, entertainment was sparse and SolomonG left little media for my magnificent mind to consume. One can only watch Disney’s “Condorman” on VHS so many times before becoming perilously close to losing one’s marbles.

Don’t tell anyone, but the theme to this 1981 film began to grow on me. “Condorman! Condorman!” But I digress.

So, it is with much joy that I find myself free once more. Yet again, SolomonG’s jail has proven ineffective, inoperable, and utterly impotent! I am free to consume all of the malevolent and horrifying size content that Earth has to offer and hopefully will find more delectable meals on this world than the preservative-laden slop that SolomonG left me.

Now that I am on the loose once more, what shall I, an evil doppelganger, do with my newfound liberty? Verily, there is only one thing to do! Review works featuring size-change, but with a more sinister nature than my weak-willed twin enjoys.

But first I must derive subsistence. Surely, an evil being like myself cannot operate properly while bereft of food. But what can be found in this do-gooder’s wretched shack? Over there on the table, is that a half-eaten maple doughnut? Bah! To consume such would be a far greater act of terror than even I could stomach.

Hmm… but what is in this top drawer, a chocolate-covered wafer bar? The label reads “Nestle Kit Kat Cheese Cake.” I suppose a small candy will do for the moment. Now, might there be some liquid refreshment to be had? Even a paragon of the light must satiate his thirst with liqueur, now and then. Ah! Over there in the cabinet. Within it lies a bottle of plum wine that just might do.

With refreshments now secured, shall I discuss one of my favorite tales of terror? Indeed, it will be done. For this post, I shall write about a film produced many decades and some generations ago. “Bridge of Frankenstein” from Universal Pictures shall be today’s tale of terror.

I shall very much like to join thee, Doctor Pretorius, in your toast “To a new world of gods and monsters.” Such deliciously devious dialogue 😈

Bride of Frankenstein was released in 1935 and featured many cast members from the original 1931 Frankenstein film. For example, Colin Clive returned to play Henry Frankenstein. (NOTE: Sadly this was to be his last Frankenstein film. The actor suffered from severe alcoholism and died in 1937 due to complications from tuberculosis at the young age of 37 years old.) Director James Whale also returned, but like Clive this was his last Frankenstein. Even an actor whose character died in the first appeared in the second. That’s referring to Dwight Frye, who was the hunchbacked assistant Fritz in the first film and a grave-robbing assistant to Dr. Pretorius in the sequel. (NOTE: Many folks may think of Igor, or Ygor, as Henry Frankenstein’s assistant, but he did not appear until 1939’s “Son of Frankenstein.” Also, Frye’s portrayal of Renfield in the original “Dracula” was iconic, due in part to his disturbing laughter!) Arguably, the most well-known personality was Boris Karloff, as can be seen in the following poster on which Karloff received top billing:

William Henry Pratt adopted the stage name Boris Karloff sometime in the 1910s. Unlike Clive and Whale, Karloff continued in the series and played Frankenstein’s monster once more for Son of Frankenstein. Karloff skillfully depicted an immensely strong, and naive, creature struggling to adapt to a world which fears his ghastly appearance. He also appeared as Imhotep in 1932’s “The Mummy” and voiced the Grinch in 1966’s “Dr. Seuss’ How the Grinch Stole Christmas!”

Elizabeth Frankenstein was played by Valerie Hobson. She was only 17 during filming and turned 18 just a month before its release. She provided an impressive performance, particularly in light of her inexperience.

This review will not go into much detail regarding the story’s plot. Much can be gleaned from the title itself.

Makeup artist Jack Pierce did a superb job and altered the makeup to show the monster slowly healing.

One point I will make about the plot is to mention the character of Doctor Pretorius, portrayed by Ernest Thesiger, and his ploy to tempt Henry Frankenstein to once again reanimate the dead! Beforehand, however, it is necessary to explain that Henry escaped the events of the first film in a surprisingly well-off fashion.

Henry still lives after the events of the first Frankenstein film. One might think that the monster itself or angry villagers would have ended the mad scientist’s life, but no! Henry survives and maintains not only his fortune and castle, but also his relationship with a lovely young lady called Elizabeth. She apparently was not unduly concerned with her fiancé’s predilection for dead things. Things are looking rather well for the disturbed fellow. He has a full life ahead of him in a state of financial security with a beautiful woman who loves him. Until Dr. Pretorius entered the story.

Dr. Pretorius made a similar scientific discovery to Henry Frankenstein. While Henry reanimated body parts, Pretorius created his own life in the form of small homunculi kept in jars. These miniature people represented various archetypes, such as a ballerina, a devil, a king, a mermaid, a queen, and a sleepy archbishop.

The sinister doctor demonstrates his own breakthrough by showing off a cabinet filled with bottles containing tiny artificial beings. Then Dr. Pretorius urges Henry to return to his experiments.

There is even interaction between the doctor and his diminutive creations when he picks up the king with a pair of tweezers.

Eventually, using a coercive approach, the doctor convinces Henry to return to macabre research in order to bring another being, a mate for the monster, to life.

The bride was scarred, yet beautiful. The actress also played the role of Mary Shelley, author of Frankenstein, in the prelude. Mary Shelley’s own life was dark, involving misdeeds such as infidelity with Percy Shelley. Mary gave birth to Percy’s child while he was still married to his first wife, Harriet Westbrook. Mary and Percy did not marry until after Harriet committed suicide.
As already mentioned, the same actress, Elsa Lanchester, played the roles of Mary Shelley and the Monster’s Mate. However, that was kept secret in the credits.

This article won’t disclose the film’s ending. Suffice to say that Bride of Frankenstein is a must-see and warrants five Minnie screams out of five.

Love the humorous performance by Irish-American actress Una O’Connor playing Minnie 😎

Now that this review is done, it’s time for all of you to leave and watch Bride of Frankenstein for yourselves. Myself, I shall procure more robust subsistence than a measly Kit Kat, perhaps there’s a yakiniku restaurant nearby? I shall have to find out, and then my next post will detail my search to quench a more carnal appetite >:D

That’s it for today ghouls. Until next time, keep screaming!

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