Summer 2023 Update – Hiatus Until Late July

Art by DragoonGTS.

Good morning everyone,

I will be traveling around the United States for the next few weeks. The blog will be on hiatus with no posts scheduled until my return to Japan in late July. The plan is to periodically check e-mail, but any correspondence will be delayed.

I’m looking forward to sampling the latest culinary offerings from American chains such as Chipotle, Five Guys, and Olive Garden which have yet to cross the Pacific Ocean to Japan. Hopefully, my travels will also include a few brewpubs and a gourmet doughnut shop or two. Most importantly, it will be nice to see family.

While the blog is inactive, please avail yourself of the many reviews, interviews, and editorials which have already been published! Additionally, if you’re looking for a spicy story to read during lazy summer days might I humbly suggest “Growing Up in the Grotto“? That short story bravely asks the question: “What if Playboy Mansion, but with size-changing machine?

Art by Trent Harlow.

Furthermore, comic fans can find my work at Interweb Comic’s Giantess Fan. A one-shot, “Darren Dalton’s Diner,” was released last summer. The debut of a longer series, “The Great Ice Cream War,” appeared late last year and the second issue came out earlier this month, on June 8th.

If you’re a writer of size-themed fiction then there is a new Sizechange Calculator (capable of handling giants, giantesses, and intersex characters) which can compute various measurements as your characters grow or shrink. That calculator was inspired by the ones from AbsentStar, Byl, and ErikZ. It can be found here:

Big thanks to Pete Smith, new Giantess City owner and longtime webmaster, for hosting it!

That’s it for now. I hope everyone is able to take time off this summer and visit family and friends.

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