An Overview of H2O Giantess TV

Screenshot from “Giantess – Beautiful Giant Woman”

Good morning everyone,

Welcome back to There She Grows! Today we’re going to look at a Nigerian YouTube channel which makes short films about giantesses and tiny people. H2O Giantess TV was created in late August 2021 and has since produced over 90 videos with a total view count of nearly 1.4 million. That’s an impressive number of views considering the channel only had about 5.5 thousand subscribers on May 26th of this year!

The About section on May 26, 2024.

The bulk of their uploads are short with the average runtime under ten minutes. Normally, videos featured giant women and/or shrunken men, but occasionally they also had shrunken women. Most often the clips are unrelated like an assortment of demo reels showcasing giantess special effects. To date, the creators have not filmed any giant men.

On rare occasions they mimicked popular trends with one-off productions “Giantess Vs Spider-Man” (using a Marvel Comics Spider-Man mask) and “Squid Game – Challenge African Giantess” (based on a scene from the South Korean TV series “Squid Game).

Longer works, such as “GIANTESS FAMILY 2024,” “Giant Woman Cover,” and “Unaware Giantess 2021,” incorporated several shorter bits into compilations. Unfortunately, they were not specifically labeled as such and the descriptions did not list the individual components. For example, the description (seen below) for the 3-hour long GIANTESS FAMILY 2024 was rather brief:

To be fair, this did imply that all of the 2023 videos were included.

Sometimes, title cards were added to identify and separate individual clips in the compilations, but viewers do not know what was put in until after they watch it. Other times a composite title was made using the applicable themes, such as “Giantess Unawere [sic] that a Shrunk Man around Her – Lock in a Gage [sic].”

(SIDE NOTE: On one occasion the channel created a title, “My Little Lover – I Shrink My Sister – Giantess Vero,” which seemed to imply incest. That title could be interpreted as “I shrank my sister and she became my little lover” O_o but instead one sister shrank another to steal their boyfriend. I do not know why “little lover” was in the title. There were no sexual relations between family members.)

There were longer videos with a single story such as the movie-length “Giantess Marvis Shrink and Kidnap Her Ex-Boyfriend,” my personal favorite! This 108-minute long film told of a love triangle between two women, the titular Marvis and her best friend Jane, and a man named Jameson. As the title states, Marvis shrank Jameson and the narrative detailed the struggle to rescue and restore him to normal. (NOTE: Click here to view that movie. The title says “Complete Episode,” but in actuality it includes all the episodes and is the complete movie.)

Be advised that the channel’s content is chaste and strictly non-explicit. There is no hanky-panky to be found, nor was there even one scene in which characters kissed. If you are a size-fetish fan hoping to see a curvy woman outgrow her clothes and expose her naked body then it would be best to look elsewhere. Women grow, but their clothes stay firmly intact. They also do not break out of rooms or buildings. People shrink with their garments always fitting perfectly.

YouTube allows scantily clad ladies to show off a lot of skin and push the boundaries of what constitutes explicit media. For example, voluptuous models will film themselves changing into various outfits, like Persephanii’s “Try-On Clothing Hauls,” which expose their large chests. Alternatively, busty women make breastfeeding tutorials labeled “for education purposes only” in order to claim that they have no salacious intent.

To be clear, there are indeed viewers who want to see different outfits or who genuinely are interested in the mechanics of breastfeeding. Nonetheless, my assessment (based on the comments sections) is that the bulk of the audience for those aforementioned breastfeeding and try-on clothing sessions are people who want to see as much of a pretty woman’s big tits as YouTube will allow. However, H2O Giantess TV does not come close to crossing any lines and could be classified as “family friendly.” Put differently, H2O Giantess TV is not overtly sexy. A few of their films showed the Holy Bible, but a woman’s nipple? Never!

Some of the action could be construed as violent with men being crushed under foot or swallowed. Nonetheless, that violence was unrealistic and akin to something in a cartoon. There were no agonizing/believable screams, bloody corpses, or spilled guts. If one had to assign a Motion Picture Association (MPA) rating then they could classify H2O Giantess TV as PG.

Cast and cinematography

It is not uncommon for amateur size-themed clips to feature only one performer. Typically, a single actress such as Ludella Hahn will pretend to speak to another character who is never heard or seen. (NOTE: Read my review of Ludella’s “Nerd’s GROWING Revenge” for an example.)

In contrast, H2O Giantess TV had a relatively large cast of several different men and women. Not once did they resort to awkward monologues in which a person acted as if they were in a conversation with someone who was not actually there.

Credits for “Giantess Marvis Shrink and Kidnap Her Ex-Boyfriend.” Most of the clips did not include credits. Furthermore, the credits only listed the on-screen cast not the other crew members such as camera operators or editors, which was a shame.

H2O Giantess TV employed multiple cameras and various angles. The filmmakers made fun transitions such as the perspective starting with a drone lowering itself down then cutting to a camera at ground level. They also provided establishing shots of the city (possibly Port Harcourt) and its neighborhoods.

Unaware Giantess 2021

That was great! The production actually went outside. They did not merely use green screen. Crew took their cameras outdoors. Overall, the large cast and professional cinematography was impressive.

It was nice to see tinies interacting with regular-sized objects. Such as in this example in which a tiny woman tipped over a water bottle.

Special Effects (SFX)

The special effects (SFX) should be highlighted. Considering that their budget is presumably low and also acknowledging that their content can be watched for free, H2O Giantess TV produced impressive SFX! The chroma-key effects showcased sharp character outlines without feathery/pixelated edges or performers randomly blinking in and out.

Still taken from GIANTESS FAMILY 2024

The creators made good use of physical real-world props to sell the illusion of size change. Women carried shrunken men in their purses, captured tinies in bird cages, locked diminished men in a calabash (a type of gourd), etc.

A shrunken man inside the barrel of a plastic syringe was a clever idea! That way she could extract information while gradually depressing the plunger and compressing the space around him. (SPOILER ALERT: Squeamish viewers need not fear. This torture never became graphic. In the end he was not harmed.)

Sometimes the illusion of size difference was achieved without digital trickery. In those cases the filmmakers used forced perspective with the “giantess” standing much closer to the camera than the regular-sized man.

Image from “Giant Woman Cover” demonstrating the use of forced perspective.

Some shots were more believable than others. For instance, a fistfight between giantesses and regular men looked fake. In that situation it was obvious that the performers did not occupy the same physical space. However, the SFX looked good when the creators did not bite off more than they could chew.


First off, on the topic of recommendations, it is important to note that the channel name “H2O Giantess TV” was misleading (H2O or water was not an important theme) and a tad generic. As of late May 2024, there were around 50 different YouTube channels with H2O and TV in their description or name. The most popular by far, with over 2.2 million followers, is “H2O – just add water.” That is the official channel of an Australian TV series, a drama about teenage girls with mermaid powers.

I recommend the creators change the channel name to something unique to distinguish themselves and because their work does not focus on nautical themes. Perhaps “Oge’s Giantesses” or “Goody’s Giantesses” would work better. Ukaorji Ogbonna Senator has made films under the name “Oge’s TV,” per his social media, and Goody Umeh appeared in many of the giantess clips. Anyone’s name, such as the channel operator’s if that is someone different, will suffice.

Additionally, many of the clips have similar names. “Giantess” is in most of them. The overly-general naming convention makes it difficult to find specific videos.

A list of their most recent releases as of June 4, 2024.

They should fix the misspellings and typos plus identify when a post is a collection of shorter videos.

Most importantly, I propose that H2O Giantess TV focus on producing full-length films instead of shorts. Maybe they could revisit Giantess Zara from the early days? In order to maintain a consistent release schedule those longer productions could be completed in parts, one per week. After all segments have been released the entire film could be uploaded as one complete work.

The output of H2O Giantess TV is solid low-budget film making. It can take a little effort to sort through the duplicates and repetitive titles, but the reward is worth it. A few days ago There She Grows sent an e-mail to the channel operator asking about an interview, but has not gotten a reply. With any luck we will eventually make contact and be able to share a bit more about these talented creators. Bottom line, H2O Giantess TV deserves more attention than it is getting.

That’s it for today. There She Grows will be on hiatus for a few weeks while I am out of town. Until my return in early July, please avail yourself of the many editorials, interviews, and reviews which have already been published.

In the meantime, if you’re looking for a sultry story for sweltering summer soirées might your favorite size reviewer humbly suggest “Sex God vs the HOA“? That short erotic fantasy bravely asks the question: “What if a carnal deity lived in sunny Florida?” Read Sex God vs the HOA to answer that most pressing of inquiries and until next time, keep growing!

“Giantess Unaware – He Mistakenly fall inside her mouth”

This review was written by SolomonG and is protected under Fair Use copyright law.

All Rights Reserved.

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